
Design and Engineering

Bertronic is the ideal partner for those who wish to entrust, not only the production and assembly but also the design and engineering of their electronic boards to one single interlocutor.

Our organization is characterised by an extreme level of flexibility, making it easily adaptable to respond to customer demands, not only to develop new products but also to renew existing ones.

The R&D phases envisage:

  • Feasibility study to assist the customer in defining the technical specifications required in relation to the objectives to be achieved and any reference regulations in force;
  • Hardware design and Pcb Layout
  • Firmware development for multiple applications using modern development systems, different platforms and operating systems;
  • Rapid prototyping for project testing and validation;



  • Mechanical design of the metal or plastic parts to complete the product, also with 3D printing of smaller parts;
  • Industrialisation and optimisation of products and processes even for small production lots;
  • On-the-job coaching or autonomous management of the product certification according to the customer’s requests;
  • Evolutionary maintenance of the



Appointing a sole interlocutor who has an overall vision of the project maximises results and optimises both management and production costs.